Competences, consistency and communication
We collaborate with our customers to provide reliable deliveries of engineering. Our contribution depends on our ability to quickly understand and deliver results in accordance to set requirements and expectations. In addition to technical competence and skills, all engineers get communication training and follow routines for high delivery consistency. We want to stay easy to work with and strive to do be our customers preferred partner. Regardless of the task or challenge, you can rest assured that we will go that extra mile to understand your needs better than anyone else. EDC´s technical competence and engineering capacity meets the needs of all companies, large or small.
Value engineering
We work with a combination of resources, local and from our engineering center, to deliver highest value back to customers. Tasks are allocated by seniors to ensure reliability and cost efficiency. With the help of latest software technologies and routines for communication we can use a team-based approach to generates alternative solutions for every challenge. To ensure success, we begin every project with a detailed study of our client´s requirements, goals and alternatives. All the alternatives are evaluated and validated according to feasibility. The options are then reviewed, the best alternative chosen and then presented to the client for approval.
Product design
Our technical expertise within product design spans from conceptualization to realization. We help customers transform their conceptual sketches into realistic 3D models and manufacture-ready drawings, consistent with manufacturing processes and standards. EDC´s systematic approach conceptualizes and evaluates ideas, taking into consideration factors such as quality, performance, reliability, service and user features.
Reverse Engineering
We have the expertise to convert design information for legacy parts and plant layouts in pdf or scan data in laser/point cloud to digital 3D CAD format. We can also analyse product design for flaws with the help of FEA /analysis tools. We offer reverse engineering services to a wide range of industries, which includes 3D engineering design solutions for civil, mechanical, automobile and railways. We can recreate functional 3D CAD models and manufacturing drawings from damaged physical components, machines and hard copies which are difficult to read. Information is obtained by either measuring the physical parts or by point cloud laser scanners. Our team can create 3D CAD models directly from physical parts, using 3D data to reproduce, analyse and troubleshoot. Our process allows a component or machine to be quickly and accurately reverse engineered.
Technical documentation and translations
Our technical documentation team assists in manufacturing drawings, training instruction, training and maintenance manuals. We can also help with translations from and to various languages.
Please get in touch to tell us more about your needs and learn more about what we can offer you.